Sunday, November 05, 2006

My Birthday is over with no gifts :(

never thought that everyone can forget my birthday!!! it's 30 min now to the ende of the day without even a "Happy Birthday" except for my sister who I still don't know she did find this Blog !!!!
well... I guess I should reconsider my address book... well I'm actually angry coz I didn't recieve any gift ;)
nighty everyone


Dr MHQ said...

well ... don't talk about being slow coz you started writing this comment on my birthday and you have just finished 3 days later ;)

Rain Drop said...

hey brother :)
it's ok ;) you still have many birthdays left, and am sure u'll be getting the gifts u've always wanted ;) (that is, when u start considering a reasonable budget ;)

how did i find ur blog? that's my secret ;)